36 months (3 Years)
Communication Skills and Personality Development
Organisational Behaviour
Business Environment
Marketing Management
Computer Fundamentals
Business Communication
Financial Accounting
Human Resource Management
Quality Management
Retail Management
Term paper
Legal and Regulatory Framework
Quantitative Techniques for Management
Research Methodology
Financial Management
Advertising and Sales
Business Strategy
Management Information System
Management Accounting
Environmental Science
International Marketing
Rural Marketing
Consumer Behaviour
Business Analytics
Elective - General Management
Elective - Retail Management
Customer Relationship Management
Digital Marketing
Elective - General Management
Environmental Science
Elective - Retail Management
A diploma in electronics didn't open interesting project opportunities at my workplace. The exposure to different projects demanded more insights into databases and computer applications, after which I decided to enroll for an online degree so that my work-life balance remains intact and yet I can devote my time to continue learning.
I always had a hunger to pursue my master's and transition into management roles. But I couldn't find interesting options that would help me earn a degree while working. An online MBA was the only way I could transition into Management roles.
Soon after completing my 12th grade education, I got married and had two kids. I restarted my learning journey after a gap of 10 years. I decided to take a small step and began pondering over my wishes to become a graduate. My husband was the one who actually gave me the courage to act upon my wishes.
We provide quality mentorship and our faculty amplifies the value of real world insights and allows you to create your own path to success with confidence. Our pedagogy introduces real world case studies that will enhance and develop your critical thinking skills.
Our courses are designed for you to engage and learn at your own pace. Explore our extensive e-libraries, access the e-learning material anytime, anywhere, attend live/recorded lectures and talks that work for your schedule, and engage in discussion on our platforms.
Our digital platform is built for a comprehensive learning experience. It allows for immersive learning and easy, responsive accessibility to online pedagogy. Access lessons and class engagement even on low bandwidth Internet.
Our faculty comprises experienced individuals who are experts in their fields. Well over half of our faculty are Ph.D. holders in their respective subjects. They amplify the value of practical insights and allow you to create your own path to success with confidence.
Ph.D., MBA, B.Com. Business Administration
Ph.D., MBA, B.Tech., Diploma in Film Animation Computer Applications, Designing and Photography
Ph.D., M.Com., MBA, B.Sc. Business Administration
Ph.D, MPhil., MBA, B.Com, UGC-NET, FCOT Quality Management
Ph.D, MBA, B.Sc (Stat), UGC-NET
Ph.D, M.Com, B.Com (Hons) Human Resource Management
Ph.D, MBA, MA (Eng), DCA, B.A (Hons) Human Resource Management
Ph.D, MBA, B.E. (CSE) Organizational Behaviour
Ph.D, M.Com, B.Com UGC-NET Business Environment
Ph.D, MBA, M.Com, B.Com UGC-NET Marketing Management, Retail Management
Online BBA Programme – Manipal University Jaipur for those who successfully complete the prescribed course of study and fulfil all other academic requirements.
Rakesh Rajan
I am a serving Indian Coast Guard Officer from the Technical Branch and have been serving the nation over the last 10 years. An online degree is an opportunity for me to improve my academic knowledge. I want to upgrade my knowledge, skills, and vision for future developments and job opportunities with sufficient growth in my career or a career jump too.